Adobe Photoshop CS6

Advanced level

Managing the Photoshop environment:
Creating tool presets
Changing default preferences
Customising keyboard shortcuts
Recording actions
Batch processing


Colour management:
Creating and using colour settings
ICC profiles explained
Precise image calibration

Advanced image adjustments:
Retouching skin tones
Sharpening with 'LAB' mode
'Black and white' conversion
Photo filters

Accurate image calibration
Creating panoramic images
Using the 'vanishing point' window
New in CS5: 'Puppet warp'
'Camera Raw' format
'HDR' images


Advanced painting and retouching:
The refine edge window in CS5
Painting with the mixer brush
The 'calculations' command
Using 'smart filters'
The 'liquify' window
Lighting effects
3D controls
Content-aware scale, heal and fill


Advanced layer composition:
'Replace colour' and 'colour range'
Working with the pen tool
Advanced masking techniques
Advanced blending mode techniques
Creating type on a path
Using spot colour channels
Using clipping groups
Creating stereoscopic images
Using layer comps

CS5 masking techniques


Advanced outputting features:
Creating animated GIF images for web
Slicing images
Printing from Photoshop


© Mark Gatter 2013
Last updated on June 29, 2013